Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gay Black Male Stereotypes

Hello Blog Readers,

I'll start off by saying that, yes I am an African American Gay Male and recently I've realized that my ideas of how I perceive myself and my relationship is totally different from what others see me/us as. I never saw myself as being any different that any other responsible man until my partner and I started our adoption process. It was brought to my attention that we may be at a disadvantage when it comes to us being chosen by a birth mother to raise her child.
Maybe it's my naivety, but I truly didn't realize that people saw us to be any different or "lesser" than two gay Caucasian males trying to start a family. Even women within my own race stated they would choose two Caucasian men to raise their black child over two black men. Now this news shocked the holy *crap* out of me but to some degree I understand why. If you look at the media and mainstream television, the only people who are "accepted" or "suitable" to raise a child in the gay community would be those who are of the Caucasian *persuasion*.
For the life of me I can't understand why we "African American Gays" are not profiled to be just as smart, intelligent, or responsible as the next. I suppose it could come from AA Heterosexuals being so critical towards AA Gay Males vs other races, but I'm not sure.

I decided to start this blog because I would really like to get an insight into what people think when they look at two AA gay males? Do they see HIV/AIDS, DL "Brotha's", Dead Beats, Party Animals, Attitudes, Thieves, etc?

As I research this topic I will continue to post my thoughts, questions, and concerns. I am hoping with the help of my future readers, I will be able to get a better understanding as to what stereotypes people see when they see "us". I am not here to cast judgement or to argue other points of view, just simply feeding my curiosity.
Thanks for taking the time to read and I can't wait to here from you,

Gay Minority