Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gay Black Male Stereotypes

Hello Blog Readers,

I'll start off by saying that, yes I am an African American Gay Male and recently I've realized that my ideas of how I perceive myself and my relationship is totally different from what others see me/us as. I never saw myself as being any different that any other responsible man until my partner and I started our adoption process. It was brought to my attention that we may be at a disadvantage when it comes to us being chosen by a birth mother to raise her child.
Maybe it's my naivety, but I truly didn't realize that people saw us to be any different or "lesser" than two gay Caucasian males trying to start a family. Even women within my own race stated they would choose two Caucasian men to raise their black child over two black men. Now this news shocked the holy *crap* out of me but to some degree I understand why. If you look at the media and mainstream television, the only people who are "accepted" or "suitable" to raise a child in the gay community would be those who are of the Caucasian *persuasion*.
For the life of me I can't understand why we "African American Gays" are not profiled to be just as smart, intelligent, or responsible as the next. I suppose it could come from AA Heterosexuals being so critical towards AA Gay Males vs other races, but I'm not sure.

I decided to start this blog because I would really like to get an insight into what people think when they look at two AA gay males? Do they see HIV/AIDS, DL "Brotha's", Dead Beats, Party Animals, Attitudes, Thieves, etc?

As I research this topic I will continue to post my thoughts, questions, and concerns. I am hoping with the help of my future readers, I will be able to get a better understanding as to what stereotypes people see when they see "us". I am not here to cast judgement or to argue other points of view, just simply feeding my curiosity.
Thanks for taking the time to read and I can't wait to here from you,

Gay Minority

1 comment:

  1. From P Alexander:
    Me personally, think stero-typing and image are 2 different things. What I mean when I say this Stereo-typing comes from our commnunity and society. Sometime It is based on people experiences, assumptions, word of mouth, perception, their religion and all the above. When image its how society see you and this can be confused with stereo-typing based on opinions not facts! Adoption- me being a black...Expand this post »
    Me personally, think stero-typing and image are 2 different things. What I mean when I say this Stereo-typing comes from our commnunity and society. Sometime It is based on people experiences, assumptions, word of mouth, perception, their religion and all the above. When image its how society see you and this can be confused with stereo-typing based on opinions not facts! Adoption- me being a black woman will consider whom ever I believe can give my baby a better life then what I can give. Whether your 2 gay AA men, 2 gay White males, lebian (black or white) or straight couple. I think in todays world we focus more on how people perceive us rather than focusing on what make us happy and well off. Stereo-typing and worrying about image are 2 huge factors and downfalls in our black community. Why? Someone please elaborate and share. will like for someon else to answer rather then me.
